Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm Not Sure Who was More Scared ...

So...I have this little friend...I call him Chic Munk...yeah, I know that they are called chipmunks, but I like Chic Munk, it just sounds cuter. And he is cute! He is DARLING cute! He sneaks into the garage when I'm painting my junk and then scurries out when I mover around the garage and accidently frighten him. He helps himself by sitting right in the middle of one of our bird feeders and stuffing his little CHIC Munk CHEEKS full of bird seed and sunflower seeds.

So last week I was taking one of my flower walks ... you know the walk ... where you WALK slowly among your flower beds and admire the calming beauty that flowers offer. I heard Chic Munk scurry up the down spout above my rain barrel. He likes to perch on the rain barrel and run up the spout when he sees me. It's just a cute GAME we play - just me and Chick.
Anyway, I ran to get my camera because I could see a photo opportunity unfolding. I was in the middle of my "photo shoot" when I decided to get really close when he ran into the spout again. I moved the decorative trellis thingy in front of the spout a little for a better view up the spout - the trellis bumped against the camera - which scared Chic - and then he scared me!!! I smacked my wrist on the trellis and instantly one of the veins inside my wrist burst open inside.

The pain and the fire inside my wrist almost took me to my knees. My husband was out of town with his parents (FIL in hospital) and I had to call him to ask if I was going to bleed inside to death - should I go to emergency. In the scope of what he was dealing with regarding his father, my blood filled wrist was probably not an emergency. But to me it was. I resorted to icing it several times that night and I'm fine now, just a little tender in the area.

You'll have to look closely to find Chic Munk, but he really is there!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Flea Market Style Give-away!

Be sure to check out the Flea-Market lined cart give-away at the Flea Market Style Bog today! The contest ends Sunday, so hurry over to the new blog and read about the brand new magazine coming out next spring.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Roadside Rescue ... Empty Sewing Machine Tables

So, I was lying in bed the other night reading the recent JR posts on my laptop when my CELL PHONE rang. It was only about 8 pm, but sometimes I just feel like getting HORIZONTAL a little early and either read or watch tv. Anyway, back to the story, I ran to the phone (hoping that both adult sons were ok) and discovered that it was one of my DH's co-workers. Hmmm, what on earth could she be calling on MY cell phone for? She's an ANGEL - did you hear me? An ANGEL! She was driving a couple of miles from my house when she called - she just saw four bedside TABLES or end TABLES on the side of the road with a FREE sign on them. When she told me where they were I KNEW exactly what they were without seeing them. I had been to a BARN sale two weeks in a row at that house and they were selling dozens of old sewing machines and cabinets. I figured that these were SEWING MACHINE CABINETS (and I was right!) So, I pealed off my JAMMIES, threw on some clothes, and SNUCK out of the house with DH still sound asleep in bed. I hurried down to the house, JUMPED out of the car, and within about two minutes, I had three of those suckers CRAMMED into my car! I got back home, snuck back into the house, slipped back into JAMMIES and slid into bed. My DH hadn't even rolled over! I'll post an update when I get them converted to either pet beds, kitty-litter concealers, or end tables. I have to let the ideas ferment in my mind before I dive in.

Monday, August 17, 2009

More Garden Tour

These are from my "Bird Santuary"...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Garden Tour

I took some new pics of my yard the other day and I thought I'd put them here for SAFE keeping. I started with two flower beds in which I planted perennials that I got free on Freecycle, mostly from a local Master Gardner (Thank-you Barb P. from Dowagiac, MI). As you know, perennials like to REPRODUCE and with over-flow from the original two beds, I now have seven ADDITIONAL beds. I also have a very large area on a hill that all of my over-flows go to for sort of a MEADOW type bed. This is also where I pull from to start MORE beds! A girl can't have too many flower beds in my opinion!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vintage muffin pans don't always have to hold muffins. I painted this one a soft pink and then added mint green in every-other cup and around some of the edges of the pink cups and the outside edge. I sanded it as I would a wood piece to shabby it up a bit. The colors look good enough to eat!

Doesn't it look much better as a jewelry tin or trinket tin?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My First Window Greenhouse!

We were so pleased with the outcome and plan to build a few more for my Garden Tour and Chic Cottage Junk sale in June of next year. Please check back periodically for updates on our Garden Tour and Sale!

We used four very tall (5.5') windows for the sides and door and two smaller windows for the roof. We framed it in on the inside, added two handles on two sides for moving about the yard, and two iron shelf brackets at the peak of the roof for a little character and added support. Isn't this just the neatest greenhouse - we call it our phone booth and even added a pay phone for even more uniqueness. I plan to really start my plants in it next spring.