Friday, July 10, 2009

Take the Time to Help Someone Get to Where They are Going...

Yesterday morning I went out to get some paint at the hardware store. When I came out, an elderly lady (picture white hair, frail, maybe 85 years old) was just pulling into the spot next to me when I started backing out. She kind of waved me over to her car so I turned my engine off and walked over to her window. She asked me how to get to a road that was about 15 miles away. She actually had tears in her eyes when she told me that she was a little confused and wasn't sure how to get there. This frail, petite lady was dressed to the nines and looked like she was a very prim and proper little gal.

I asked her if she wanted to take the highway or the back-roads. Again, with tears in her eyes, she replied that she couldn't take the highway. (Now, this was not on my agenda, I had flowers to plant and pieces to paint). I told her that I would be driving south for a mile or so and where I turned right - she should turn left and stay on that road for about 15 miles and it would take her right to the road that she wanted to go to. I thought she was going to cry right there! Finally, I said, I'll drive to the very road that she wanted to go to and she could follow me. With big tears in her eyes, she couldn't thank me enough for taking the time to go out of my way to get her there. We traveled along, me leading, her following, until we got about a mile away from the road that she wanted to get to. She evidently started recognizing the streets and we were passing and found the road that would lead her to her destination, and turned off.

I'm sure you know the feeling that I got - she thought that I was doing her a favor, when instead, she was doing me a favor. Someday I may be wearing her shoes. a bit confused, and need someone else to take the time out of their busy day to help me get to where I'm going.

While I was out where I didn't have plans to be yesterday, I hit a few garage sales that netted me some pretty nifty things - so the trip was certainly meant to be!


  1. Awww, what a heart warming story. Someday we'll be that little old lady!

    I'm am still drooling over your latest 'hay wagon' finds. Good job!

  2. Thanks, Marge for the compliment! By the way, did you happen to notice that I have your website listed on the side under some of my favorite spots? I love it!


  3. What a sweet came back to you by finding those great garage sales!

  4. Yes, I guess it DID come back to me! Thanks for the comment.

