Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Father-in-Law Left a Wonderful Legacy

As some of you know, my Father-in-Law has been very ill for the last four months. He lost his battle to many problems including complications after double bypass last month and passed away very peacefully on Sunday. He may have lost the battle - but he won the fight as we know he has finally met our Savior that he has modeled his own life after.

This is the type of man that left a wonderful legacy without even trying. Always kind and gentle, he ALWAYS put everyone before himself - especially his wife of 53 years and his three sons.

I'm not able to put down in words everything that I'd like to as the pain is too fresh, but I did want to pay tribute to Bert Randall, 80 years old, husband to Hazel and father to Danny, Terry, and Gary. May he enjoy his new life in Heaven and may he rest in peace.


  1. Sue, I am so sorry for your loss. Just think of the celebration that was held on Sunday when he got to go home. And what a wonderful wonderful thing that he left a legacy for you and yours - what an awesome way to be remembered.

    All of my love and prayers are being sent to you and your family.


  2. Sue, so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. It's probably especially difficult with the holidays. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Knowing the great legacy he left will provide a lot of comfort through the grief.

  3. Prayers coming your way. I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful heartfelt tribute, God is good to us all, Blessings and Hugs, Janna

  4. Thank you Robelyn, Midge and Janna for your kind words. They really mean a lot through cyber world.

