Friday, January 1, 2010

Salt of the Earth Pink Tree

This tree is in my booth at the Calico Craft Mall. I had it there for Christmas, but planned on leaving it in my booth for Valentine's Day. I made up a dozen or so ornies by putting fake snow in salt shakers and then putting part of a scripture verse on them regarding the "Salt of the Earth". I've sold four or five and had some left so why not see if I can push them for other times of the year.

The owner of the booth asked to put in in the front window to go with her Pink and Red theme. Well, since I have a LOT of pink in my booth, she took about 10-12 of my items for her front of store/window display. What a compliment, but now I've got to get busy making and painting more pink stuff for my own booth! What a problem to have, eh?


  1. Hi Sue....Happy New Year!!!
    Your pink tree is simply gorgeous and the salt shaker ornaments are wonderful!!! Hope things are going well with your must have been kind of tough over Christmas.
    Thinking of you!

  2. Oh my gosh - that's a wonderful problem to have Mrs. Talent/Creative Sue! That tree is so cute... I love the "salt of the earth"!!!

    Happy New Year!!!
    ;-) robelyn

  3. The tree is sooo sweet... I've done some button bouquets in salt shakers where I used the salt of the earth... Your store owner has great taste. Lezlee

  4. I love your tree ! Pink is the best I think !! Happy New Year

  5. Oh Sue,
    This is amazing. I too had salt of the earth salt shakers for sale. So now we have cloches and shakers! Darling booth! Very creative.
    Smiles, alice

  6. It's time for bed!!! I have been on your blog just reading and reading...what fun, will make for sugar plums-salt shakers dancing in my head!!!

  7. Love the salt of the earth salt shakers...great idea. You have great talent and it shows by being featured in the store front window!
    My condolences to your family in the home going of your father-in-law. Holidays are hard times without our loved ones...we just lost my brother 12/26/09 after a 7 yr. struggle. May God bring sweet memories and comfort to you.

  8. When I first glanced at the tree, I thought it was like one I did. After reading about it, it is different. I had a small green tree and I decorated it with the small AVON bottles from years ago...they were hung with white ribbon I tied around the top...brought back memories....
