Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Antique Secretary Desk Re-Fab(ulous)!

I know this is selfish because I haven't been on here in forever, but I wanted to post my latest project. I found an antique secretary's desk for $30 bucks at a garage sale. I refinished her in a creamy-dreamy white and now she's a beauty of a Re-Fab(ulous) Secretary Desk!


  1. sue,
    i was thinking about you the other day when going through my blog followers...and now here you are! glad you posted this lovely desk...it is a FABulous makeover. hope all is well with you ;)
    judi ;)

  2. Would that not look great in Little Cabin!!! Don't know where I'd put it, it's beautiful....What an artist you are...Thirty dollars!!! Such a deal...

    Vaya con Dios my friend....

  3. I LOVE IT!!! AND YOU!!! I sure have missed you - glad to see you... and the desk! Dang... can it come to my house?

    :-) Hope you are A-OKAY!!!

  4. Lovely to see you! Great desk too.

    Best wishes,

  5. Hi there! we have added your blog link directly on our new blog. We L♥VE your blog and wanted to share some beautiful ones with our followers. We are followers of your blog site as well. Won't you please take a moment and add us to your favorite blogs and follow us as well please? Thank you so much, please keep the BEAUTIFUL pictures coming. Sincerely, http://theshabbyparismarket.blogspot.com AKA The Shabby Paris Girls, Dawn & Jen

  6. nice job.. My parents got one of these in the 70's and passed it on to my sister about 10 years ago. Now I wish I had it. I think I have seen these sell for 150.00 on up. NICE SCORE- Beautiful paint job..

  7. This is FANTASTIC!!! Well done and the distressing is fab!! Love it and great find !! guess I will be checking out more yard sales this year! I need different storage ideas and got to get to the stores and find 'mis-mixed' paints!!! Great job!

    1. This is an excellent refinishing, note to Pam Zirbel, Distressing was Not done on this project..
