Sunday, May 24, 2009

Alaska Here We Come!

This might be my last post for a couple of weeks as we leave shortly for Vancouver and then on our cruise to Alaska. We're on the ship for 7 nights and then in Alaska for 4 nights so we won't be back for a couple of weeks. So, I'll write lots when we get back, as well as post lots of pictures.

Keep on junkin!

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Little Road Trip on Thursday

I went to visit my youngest son Andrew yesterday in Mid Michigan so I got to take a little road trip. He lives about an hour and 40 minutes from me via the express-ways, but I just love to take back roads to see him. So, that's what I did yesterday. I didn't have my camera with me or I would have lots of pictures of barns and farmhouses. That's one of the main reasons I love to take the back roads - that and the fact that I can drive slower and really enjoy the drive. The back roads to his house is usually about an hour longer but it suites me just fine.

We went to lunch at a nice Irish joint near the Capitol Building in Lansing because we were in the mood for some slow time to just visit before my trip to Alaska with my DH. It was great to spend the afternoon with Andrew because we still have catching up to do after his 5 week trip to South Africa for Wild Life Film Academy. Jeremy, my oldest, was hoping to meet us too, but scheduling conflicts (taking out his new wake board boat was a little more fun!) kept him busy. So, it was great to spend time with Andrew yesterday.

I woke this morning at 3:30 am and could not get back to sleep. So, I got up and watched tv...and to check the weather in Alaska for the 10-day forecast on my laptop. I'm praying that the weather-person will do some switching around because I don't like the rainy 50 degreeish weather they are forecasting right now! We have an excursion planned right now for May 27 that entails going out on a crab fishing boat (from the Deadliest Catch - first season) and rainy and 51 seems a bit chilly for such an event. Then, on June 3 we are planning to take a helicopter ride over glaciers near Mt. McKinley and then landing on one of the glaciers for a 15 minute walk. PLEASE, LORD, if you see fit, can you just re-arrange the weather forecast a bit for us? Thank you so much...

So, anyway, I was awake until 6:30 am, then went back to bed for a nap. I've decided that the funny feeling in my stomach (that Tums wouldn't help) could be anxiety. Could I be anxious for this vacation-of-a-lifetime?!?!?! Are you kidding? Of course I'm anxious, but I don't want a tummy ache.  : ) I'll have plenty to keep me busy today getting things done before we fly on Sunday. I'd better get off the couch and get moving on my to-do list for today which includes mowing the lawn. So, 'nuff for now!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I just received a Major Award!

My junkin friend Midge  Having fun with Junk (and Life in general) gave me a Major Award (for you Christmas Story followers!) I can't say that I've received any awards since I was a flight attendant 13 years ago so I accept this one graciously. Midge received her award from her friend Kathy from the blog --Sylvia's Vintage Daughter. I hope that I do Midge well and promised to continue being Kreative while growing my blog here.

The receiver of this award must do 4 things:

1.) List 7 things that you love

2.) Link back to the blog that awarded this to you

3.) Choose 7 blogs to pass the award on to 

4.) Comment at each of those blogs to let them know you've given them an award

And now, for the seven things I love ...

1.) First and foremost, I love God and the life He has provided for me.

2.) My family is a close second - my DH Gary and my two sons who have made me proud. Jeremy, my oldest, is an Air Traffic Controller at Detroit Metro Airport. Andrew is my aspiring Film Student and just completed a course at Willdlife Film Academy in South Africa.

3.) My parents and 5 siblings and all of my very large Irish Catholic family! 

4.) Crisp Autumn sweatshirt days and exciting green-filled spring days. Also, all of the other wonderful days that God has given us.

5.) Nature - all of it. My DH calls me a tree-hugger but I haven't prevented any trees from being cut down anywhere. I am just one of those gals that loves being outdoors in any season. I've hiked in 18 inches of snow. I've camped in a tent with 4 feet of snow and windchills -27. I've tented in the woods for several days by myself in my younger days. I just LOVE nature.
6.) House-wife - I am very blessed and thankful that I am a HOUSE-WIFE. After being divorced for 19 years and raising 2 boys (with equal help from their father and step-mother) I remarried, relocated, lost my job due to downsizing, and I now love being a house-wife. Can you see that I've used the word house-wife several times...

7.) Creativity. Because I've been blessed to have some free time, I LOVE to go junkin! I try to put a creative spin on things I buy and make them much more appealing then their previous life. My girlfriend calls me and asks if I'd like to go "treasure hunting" with her. I love the term, but I call her and ask her if she wants to go "junkin"! Creativity and Junkin go hand in hand!

And now to pass the award on to 7 other blogs. The 7 blogs I'm passing this award on to are:


2.) Margo's Junkin' Journal

3.) A day in the life of a hillbilly

4.) magpie cottage

5.) Beyond The Picket Fence

6.) It's an Evolution

7.) Junk-Fest

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Getting Giddy for our Cruise!

Well, what a nice finish to the weekend. Weather is beautiful, sunny and about 55 degrees. I'm getting giddy for our cruise a week from today. I just finished putting all of our travel documents together and re-reading our itinerary. We will have lots to do while we are gone, but hope that when we are at sea we get plenty of rest and relaxation. We are taking a few books and magazines and of course, our i-pods to listen to some good Christian Contemporary music. 

That's all for today, I just wanted to check in...


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hello & welcome to my blog page. I've decided to join the 21 Century and try my hand at blogging. I'm not really sure what I'll do with this blog, but I thought it might be a good place to record my Junking stuff, talk trash, and just have a little fun while journaling. I know, it takes about three weeks of repetition to turn something into a habit, so I hope that I can make this blogging stuff a habit and not just an unfinished project. I have PLENTY of unfinished projects in my basement thank you very much!

Today is Friday and a very welcome one at that. Last Saturday was my first Outdoor Spring Arts & Craft Show and I'm still recuperating from almost 5 solid weeks of painting and redesigning lots of junk preparing for the show. I rose early each morning for the last three weeks and stayed up WAY past my bedtime trying to get things done. It was fun and well worth it for sure. I sold double what I have sold at fall and winter shows so I'm quite pleased. I just spent the week cleaning out the garage and taking items to two different resale shops.  Now I get to redirect my attention to final preparations for our two-week cruise to Alaska. 

We leave for Vancouver on Sunday, May 24 and then Monday, May 25 we embark on our two week vacation that includes a 7 night cruise. We stop in the ports of Ketichan, Juneau, and Skagway. Then we hit land in Whittier, board a train, and travel to Denali National Park for three nights. Our last night is in Anchorage before we fly back to Michigan. My husband and I are really looking forward to two weeks away from reality. We are celebrating our anniversary while onboard which makes this trip even more special to us.

I'll be sure to post pictures when we get back home. Alaska has been on the top of my list of "to-do" before I'm too old to enjoy it so it is really exciting to finally see this dream become reality. 

Anyway, hopefully I'll stick to this blog and have some neat memories later down the road. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your visit.