Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I just received a Major Award!

My junkin friend Midge  Having fun with Junk (and Life in general) gave me a Major Award (for you Christmas Story followers!) I can't say that I've received any awards since I was a flight attendant 13 years ago so I accept this one graciously. Midge received her award from her friend Kathy from the blog --Sylvia's Vintage Daughter. I hope that I do Midge well and promised to continue being Kreative while growing my blog here.

The receiver of this award must do 4 things:

1.) List 7 things that you love

2.) Link back to the blog that awarded this to you

3.) Choose 7 blogs to pass the award on to 

4.) Comment at each of those blogs to let them know you've given them an award

And now, for the seven things I love ...

1.) First and foremost, I love God and the life He has provided for me.

2.) My family is a close second - my DH Gary and my two sons who have made me proud. Jeremy, my oldest, is an Air Traffic Controller at Detroit Metro Airport. Andrew is my aspiring Film Student and just completed a course at Willdlife Film Academy in South Africa.

3.) My parents and 5 siblings and all of my very large Irish Catholic family! 

4.) Crisp Autumn sweatshirt days and exciting green-filled spring days. Also, all of the other wonderful days that God has given us.

5.) Nature - all of it. My DH calls me a tree-hugger but I haven't prevented any trees from being cut down anywhere. I am just one of those gals that loves being outdoors in any season. I've hiked in 18 inches of snow. I've camped in a tent with 4 feet of snow and windchills -27. I've tented in the woods for several days by myself in my younger days. I just LOVE nature.
6.) House-wife - I am very blessed and thankful that I am a HOUSE-WIFE. After being divorced for 19 years and raising 2 boys (with equal help from their father and step-mother) I remarried, relocated, lost my job due to downsizing, and I now love being a house-wife. Can you see that I've used the word house-wife several times...

7.) Creativity. Because I've been blessed to have some free time, I LOVE to go junkin! I try to put a creative spin on things I buy and make them much more appealing then their previous life. My girlfriend calls me and asks if I'd like to go "treasure hunting" with her. I love the term, but I call her and ask her if she wants to go "junkin"! Creativity and Junkin go hand in hand!

And now to pass the award on to 7 other blogs. The 7 blogs I'm passing this award on to are:


2.) Margo's Junkin' Journal

3.) A day in the life of a hillbilly

4.) magpie cottage

5.) Beyond The Picket Fence

6.) It's an Evolution

7.) Junk-Fest


  1. Nice work on the blog, Mom. Very cool. The crafts look good too.

  2. Have fun in Alaska, I see you are leaving in three days! Sounds like a fun adventure!
    Where exactly is Lawton Michigan?
    Can't be too far. We have friends in Paw Paw that we visit a few times a year!

  3. I just stumbled across your blog and love it! Congrats on your award :)

  4. Thank you so much, Ashley! I took a peak at your blog and I'm laughing my fanny off. You are so real! I'll be following yours now - especially since I'm in SW Michigan...maybe we'll have something mutual to complain about later! Welcome and make yourself at home...


  5. Janet, thanks so much and be sure to check back for pictures of our trip...Lawton is just 4 miles from Paw Paw. In fact, I was there yesterday and will be back there today to get some cash for our trip. What a small world, eh?

