Sunday, May 17, 2009

Getting Giddy for our Cruise!

Well, what a nice finish to the weekend. Weather is beautiful, sunny and about 55 degrees. I'm getting giddy for our cruise a week from today. I just finished putting all of our travel documents together and re-reading our itinerary. We will have lots to do while we are gone, but hope that when we are at sea we get plenty of rest and relaxation. We are taking a few books and magazines and of course, our i-pods to listen to some good Christian Contemporary music. 

That's all for today, I just wanted to check in...



  1. Sue -- so excited that you're taking some time off to take a cruise. It sounds like a great vacation. I'm also excited that you're now a blogger. Hope you have a bit of time to blog a little more before you go. I've given you an award to get you off to a good start. Visit my blog to find out about it. Peace out!

  2. Oh I am so honored to be one of your favorites...thank you so much!!! It has made my day in ways you will never know. Can't wait to do my post tonight :) Looking forward to following along with you.
