Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Been Outta the Loop for awhile

I've been AWOL again, but I've had lots going on and just haven't taken the time to blog. I had my first fall craft show a couple of weeks ago, hurt my back and neck, getting ready for another show Saturday, and Life in General, getting in the way!

I'm just checking in and I wanted to thank Janis Gurney (http://janisgurney.blogspot.com/) JunkDreams for mentioning me and one of my past projects on JunkMarketStyle.com! What a dear! Thank you so much for the mention - and the fact that it was included in the latest email from Junk Market Style! Janis - your Masher Bud Vases are beautiful - and an improvement on mine! Thanks again.

I need to get to bed with some good ole Ben Gay on my neck and shoulder. I've been fighting this "pain-in-the-neck" for a week and a half now and I'm really getting tired of it. It's been pretty painful and has really put me behind in production for my October shows. Dang it all!

Not a whole lot new here I suppose. Andrew's new job at the Vet Hospital is going well and he is really settling in well. First full time job WITH benefits and a good paying job until he gets picked up by National Geographic. Jeremy got a new cast last week and is still fuming that he won't be wake boarding any more this year!

Thanks for your patience while I try to get back to blogging. And thanks to the new followers - I really appreciate you stopping by!



  1. Good to hear from you again. Sorry about your neck pain, been there. Hope you did well at your show and will do well at your upcoming shows.
    If Jeremy's complaining he must be healing LOL but doesn't he know wake boarding season is OVER in Michigan BRRR.
    Congrats to Andrew on his new job. We'll be looking forward to hearing more about your shows when you get time to relax a bit.
    Best of luck and Hang in there.


  2. Don't you hate when life gets in the way? I tell my kids all the time how lucky they are to be able to do whatever they want whenever they want... I have yet to play with my junk I swear I will 'someday'.
    Take it one day and a time, hang in there... and know we are all in the same dang boat! ;)

  3. Thanks Linda and Kim! I appreciate your encouragement! I just backed out of Saturday's show. It's supposed to be 54 and raining here and I just don't feel like dealing with the weather. It's at an apple farm and I'm sure the foot traffic will be low so I'm not going to go out and kill myself setting up (when I'm already hurting) in the rain to make pocket change! So, I'm gearing up for the next one in two weeks. Thanks gals!

  4. Ain't it a B---- getting old (well some of are). Glad you're back on the mend. Aches and pains seem to creap up and show their ugly face when you have so much to do. A little glass of wine can work wonders. Good luck at your upcoming sale. Welcome back. LuAnn

  5. Oh Sue,
    I am so sorry. I have suffered with neck and back pain. I use a Natural Relaxant. The company is Wonder Laboratories. The pill is VALERIN. It is homeopathic. Go to a health food stor or their web site. It really is wonderful! Hope this helps. Good luck with shows I used to do close to 30-40 shows a year. Hard WORK!
    Smiles, alice

  6. Hi Sue,
    Have been missing you so glad to hear you are still around, but so sorry about your neck and back pain....try your best to rest.
    THANK YOU for the fabulous masher/vase project. You are so sweet to give mention to me.
    Happy day.

  7. Hey, Sue
    Haven't seen you in awhile. I hope everything is okay and you're just super busy with life and junk. I HAVE A HALLOWEEN SURPRISE FOR YOU! Visit my blog to see what it is.
