Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mom, I'm gonna be ok so don't freak ...

Have you ever gotten that phone call from a child that starts out likes this ...

"Mom, I'm gonna be ok so don't freak". Yup, I got that one today. Jeremy, my oldest (three weeks shy of 28) called me from the emergency room this morning and started the conversation with the previous line. Of course, as a mother, I had to freak just because he told me not to. Actually, I didn't freak, but I knew it was going to be bad. He was wake boarding this morning when he "bit it" or "wiped out" or "biffed". Whatever you want to call it, it wasn't good.

While falling, he hit his forearm on his knee - and you guessed it - he broke his arm. Not a fracture - broke it all the way through. Not a clean break - a bad break. A jagged break. So, they put him out to set it and then put on a pretty white cast. That will hold him until next week when he will ultimately have surgery to put a shiny new plate in his arm. Not to freak, mind you, just the typical phone call a mother might get from a 28 year old who likes extreme sports!

I'm glad my younger son was driving the boat and was able to take him to emergency. Andrew took him home, detailed the boat and got it covered for the night when he took a bad fall on the dock. Andrew's belongings flew out of pockets and his cell phone landed - well, where else might it land? You guessed it - in the lake. (Jeremy put two iPhones in the lake too) Lakes and cell phones are not a good combination. So, Andrew had to go to work tonight filming a high school football game and will stand for several hours with undoubtedly a sore back side.

So, it's been a rough day around here ...


  1. Ahhhh..poor you and Jeremy!!! We have had a terrible week for injuries as well. Last Monday my oldest son (16yr) broke his arm at football practice, then last night my middle one (14yr) had to have 8 stitches in his arm because of a football injury....eek...I say NO MORE FOOTBALL, but of course they and my husband don't agree!!
    Hope Jeremy is feeling better.

  2. Goodness Sue! I'm cringing FOR you?!!!!!! I truly have in my prayers for his for strength! Now - go enjoy your week-end - you deserve it!!!!!

    and don't answer the phone if you don't have to. LOL

  3. Janis - oh my GOSH - what a horrible week for you too! There is a lot of pressure on kids in sports, but there is just as much on parents because we are the ones taking them to emergency most of the time. I hope your boys are feeling better - and hey, on the bright side, son I won't be out on the field for awhile - well, I'm guessing that they will both be sidelined for a little while, eh? Good luck with the healing process!


  4. Robelyn - Thanks for the prayers. I just got off the phone with Jeremy. He had to go back to emergency because the cast was cutting off the circulation in his hand and his knuckles were no longer visible because his had had swollen so much. They cut his calf in half down the length and split it a bit to relieve the pressure. They then wrapped it fairly tightly and set a surgery date for a week from today.

    So, I'll be off on a road trip next Friday for sure. Thanks again for your prayers!

